Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Saying Adios to 2011

Q:What did you do in 2011 that you had never done before?
A: Got in engaged. Moved in with Jeffrey. Got married. Got a puppy.

Q: Did you keep your New Year's resolution?
A: I didn't make one.

Q: What would you like to have in '12 that you didn't have in '11?
A: I would like to be debt free. Loosing some weight. In general just being happy. Getting a new couch and a new bed.

Q: What dates in '11 will be etched upon your memory?
A: um...hmm...what day what day....oh yeah well there is the day he proposed and there should be one other one....oh right the day we got married.

Q: Did you suffer any injury?
A: I did not, thank you! But Jeff was in a car accident and hurt his back.

Q: Best thing someone bought you as a gift?
A: Jeff bought me a Kitchen Aid stand.

Q: Where did most of your money go?
A: Same as last year. Rent. Gas. Bills. Food. Only this year included a wedding.

Q: What did you get really excited about?
A: My new job...oh and getting married.

Q: What song will always remind you of '11?
A: 18th floor balcony.

Q: Favorite TV programs of '11?
A: Big Bang. Castle. New Girl. Up All Night. Raising Hope. Modern Family. Bones.

Q: What was your greatest musical discovery?
A: I can't think of any.

Q: Best book you read this year?
A: Joy for Beginners.

Q: Favorite film?
A: Captain America

Q: My fashion sense of '11?
A: Nothing has changed: Frumpy with an attempt at fashion

Q: What celebs did you fancy the most?
A: TJ Thyne.

Q: Who did you miss?
A: My mom.

Q: What countries did you visit?
A: I didn't leave this year...but Jeff and I went to San Fran for our honeymoon.

Q:Biggest achievement?
A: Getting married

Q: Did you fall in love in '11?
A: Every. Single. Day. :)

Q: What is something that would make '11 better?
A: Having a million dollars. hmmm...realistically probably not having Jeff get in a car accident.

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